Vermont Psychology (2014 – 2023) is a collection of concise multimedia articles that look at the Green Mountain State through the eyes of Vermont students of psychology, those in an academic setting and those in the field and professions.

Our articles are based on both academic and field research, as well as experiential knowledge. They include text and mixed media to support different learning styles and multimodal learning. Our contributing authors agree to freely share their original work and thinking, making Vermont Psychology an open educational resource.

As you’ll see, we use psychology as a tool for studying, assessing, and better understanding our children, our leaders, our common and distinct communities and experience:

Vermont Children: How are our children faring? What challenges do they face that we didn’t? How can we better support their healthy development and psychological well-being?

Vermont Leaders: Who leads for Vermont and how are they improving the quality of our lives and the psychological health of our communities?

Vermont Communities:  What enriches community life in Vermont? Who’s at risk or marginalized and what’s being done about it? How do Vermonters cope and thrive?

 Vermont Corona: How did the outbreak of COVID-19 affect Vermonters and our ways of life? What new challenges did we face? Who was leading in our local communities and what were they doing in response to the crisis? 

These are the kinds of questions we asked, studied, and answered in this online journal from 2014 – 2023, thereby creating a uniquely Vermont psychology.

So welcome to Vermont Psychology — I hope you’ll find our articles interesting and useful.


— Robert Mandatta, Editor and Publisher